If you give some one a cookie..... (and it's a good cookie) they will want another! And Another! As the story goes they might even want some milk to go with it. This is basically how I started. I baked and they wanted more. Turning my hobby of baking into a business took a push from a few special people.

At Bake Me Believe Bakery I like to keep things pretty simple but still dabble in fun new ideas and flavors. I make a lot of cookies, brownies and cupcakes but you'll also find rice crispy treats, bars, and muffins grace the menu.
There are the favorites that are always on the menu, and I rotate out other treats monthly.
I also love to make cakes with simple designs. Parties are a fun way to get creative and have a cake and treats that go with a theme.

Next time you're in the mood for something sweet, want to take a gift to a party or friend, or have a special event to celebrate, Bake Me Believe I'll be happy to make that wish come true!